God's Way Christian Fellowship Forum
Gods Way Christian Forum. A place to be 'refreshed and built up in the Lord Jesus'. Where Christian 'Believers' can fellowship together to talk, discuss, enjoy, pray for others and give testimonies, chat. For Christian adults and unbelievers seeking salvation and encouragements found in the word of God.
Gods Way Christian Fellowship Forum (GWCFF) is only for adults and mature,young and teen christians.
God's Way Christian Fellowship Forum
Gods Way Christian Forum. A place to be 'refreshed and built up in the Lord Jesus'. Where Christian 'Believers' can fellowship together to talk, discuss, enjoy, pray for others and give testimonies, chat. For Christian adults and unbelievers seeking salvation and encouragements found in the word of God.
Gods Way Christian Fellowship Forum (GWCFF) is only for adults and mature,young and teen christians.
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God's Way Christian Fellowship Forum

God's Way Christian Forum. A place to be 'refreshed and built up in the Lord Jesus'. Where Christian 'Believers' can fellowship together to talk, discuss, enjoy, pray for others and give testimonies, chat.
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»  How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit With The Evidence Of Speaking In Tongues.
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptyThu Oct 28, 2021 8:37 pm by Camille

» The Lord is faithful and He will do what He has promised to do.
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptySun May 31, 2020 3:48 pm by Ingrid's Memory

»  Even the struggles that are hidden in our hearts are open and visible to Him.
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptySat May 30, 2020 3:42 pm by Ingrid's Memory

»  If the Lord knows each star in space. He certainly knows your name.
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptyFri May 29, 2020 3:25 pm by Ingrid's Memory

» In fact, He goes ahead of us, to make this light and opportunity a reality.
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptyThu May 28, 2020 3:51 pm by Ingrid's Memory

» HE has got you in His hands, and you can rest in this knowledge.
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptyWed May 27, 2020 3:40 pm by Ingrid's Memory

» He watches over you, wherever you go.
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptyTue May 26, 2020 4:34 pm by Ingrid's Memory

» The Lord wants to bless our coming in and our going out.
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptyMon May 25, 2020 3:07 pm by Ingrid's Memory

» He is YOUR Lord and God, so rest in Him.
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptySun May 24, 2020 2:46 pm by Ingrid's Memory

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It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
Ingrid's Memory
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
clark thompson
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
Angel Bells
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_lcapIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Voting_barIt starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Vote_rcap 
Do God's Work and all Your Needs will be Met
It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptyFri May 23, 2014 12:22 am by Camille
God always provides for our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

As long as we are doing the work of the Lord God will always meet our needs. As long as we are pointing others to God, He will always see that you have plenty.

Do the work of the Lord share what you know from the bible and share your testimony of how you were healed or set free and God …

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 It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing.

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Ingrid's Memory
Ingrid's Memory

Posts : 2477
Join date : 2013-03-27
Age : 68
Location : South Africa

It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. Empty
PostSubject: It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing.   It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing. EmptyFri Feb 16, 2018 1:58 pm

Verse: Proverbs 3:9-10

'Honour the LORD...then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.'

- Our lives should be a living example of people who honour and love God.
- Every aspect of our lives should demonstrate the fact that He is our priority.
- In return He promises to provide and bless us in wonderful ways.
- It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing.

PRAYER: Lord, I choose to honour You in all I say and do. I want to live my life to Your glory and Your honour. This is my quality decision and my chosen purpose. Amen
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It starts when we make the quality decision to put Him first and it ends in blessing.
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