Walking in victory,
Marilyn Hickey

Dear Friends,
What do you do in a crisis? Do you panic, get angry, become an emotional mess? Are you facing a crisis right now? You may even be thinking, "Marilyn, my life is a constant crisis!"

Perhaps you are facing a crisis in...your relationships...your finances...your health...your job...no matter what it is...believe me, I understand and can relate.

Back when I first became a Christian, I remember thinking, "Oh thank goodness, there will be no more crises in my life!" Oh, how wrong I was... When my son was kidnapped, that was a crisis! When the doctor told me I would never have children, that was a crisis! When my mother died, that was a crisis!

Special OffersHere is what I've learned...It's just a simple sentence God gave me to help you today - yet the words are filled with such POWER: you get VICTORY through SURRENDER!

When you surrender to God, when you stop struggling and striving in your own strength and raise your arms to Him in childlike surrender during the crisis, He will bring you through to victory every time.

How do I know this to be true? It says it right in God's Word:
If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all - how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?...Christ Jesus, who died - more than that, who was raised to life - is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

You already have victory because of what Jesus did on the cross for YOU!

Let God Be Your Answer
When you don't surrender and you choose to carry all your baggage around inside, God can't pour Himself into you. Why? You are too full of yourself. But...if you say: "God, I surrender to You, I don't know what to do, I don't know how to do it, but I surrender to You and Your perfect plan for my life." Then, you become an empty vessel that He can fill. And God will ALWAYS fill you with VICTORY!

You will be amazed at how God will move in your life and how He will lead you to VICTORY if you just repent and surrender! Right now, surrender anything holding you back from a victorious life! I want you to pray this prayer out loud: Heavenly Father, I surrender to You. I'm not looking at my crisis anymore. I choose to look to You and believe that You will make me VICTORIOUS! I believe that there is supernatural power for me TODAY! I'm going to keep my eyes on You. Thank You for Your answered prayer in my life! In Jesus' Name...AMEN!