"God is Turning Your Setbacks into Setups! Watch For September 15-17 to Be a Turning Point"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
God is taking setbacks and what was intended for evil and bringing blessings. Negative situations will have a good outcome as you keep your focus and trust in God. If you have gotten warfare and resistance over the past few months, then you can now expect big breakthroughs to start happening.

If you lost your house, your car broke down, you got hit with health setbacks, relationship troubles increased or old behaviors or addictions kicked up again—I have good news for you. God is going to do a sudden move to bring you out of your darkest time and use it to bless you.

Watch for September 15-17 to be a turning point with this. By the 25th of September a new understanding will come and you will gain deeper revelation and wisdom for your situation. A sudden shift in favor and finances will begin and flow to you over the next few months. (Photo via flickr)

It has seemed like darkness and attacks have increased, but God is going to use this to promote you.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Isaiah 60:1-2 NIV

June through August was a rough time for many people. Even our weather patterns changed and storms, disasters and violence increased. The enemy does not want what is coming and has unleashed everything he can to try to stop it.

September is the start of the turnaround. It will increase in October, increasing throughout December as well. God is moving in your midst—because 2017 is going to be a strategic time.

Jesus Came in My Darkest Time

I got healed 3 months ago of things that have been holding me down for the past 3 years. Then I walked through 3 more months, May through August, of some of the hardest times of my life with my health.

I got hit with an unexplainable illness that put me in some of the worst pain and chronic fatigue I have experienced. But in the midst of that I had some of the most powerful heavenly encounters I have ever had as well.

I was in so much pain over the past few months, and particularly the past 30 days, I could not walk across the room or even leave my house. I did not talk much about it because I do not like to give glory to the enemy. I trust in God in the midst of the storms and He always comes through.

In August, it was as if a dark cloud came and parked over me and no matter what I did, I had repeated attacks and was laid out in pain and extreme fatigue. I was in bed most of the day and could not sleep at night. I could still hear God and was still having some amazing experiences, but it was not an easy time. (Photo via Pixabay)

Then on August 15, I had a spiritual encounter in which Jesus came to me and swept me out of the darkness and into a safe place. I felt the joy of the Lord return to me and my pain left. We talked and laughed and He explained things to me.

He assured me that I was going to get healed in August; He also shared plans to overthrow this attack—an attack not only on me but on many people, including many prophets who also have been sick. Then suddenly the encounter was over and I was back in my body in extreme pain and sickness again. Leaving His presence was even more painful than the physical pain.

I could not remember a lot of the details of what Jesus said except these 2 things: I would be healed and a new gate will open in the spirit by the end of August. I was thinking to myself, "Why not heal me now since You are here?" But I knew that like Job, there was a greater purpose in it all.

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Jesus Kept His Word

The next 2 weeks after August 15 were really rough. Then, as sure as the Lord had said it, August 30th I woke up hearing in the spirit, "The Lord is coming," repeated over and over. Within a few hours I could smell rain in the spirit; then a new gate in the spirit opened.

I got my strength back and the pain and fatigue left me. I got revelation into the source of the attack and pursued the enemy and cut things off. My strength is returning and each day God is restoring things that were lost during this horrific attack against me.

Books of Revival Revealed

Later in the morning, after my encounter with Jesus on August 15, the presence of the Holy Spirit came into my room and explained what Jesus had spoken to me. It was more like an impartation of revelation than a conversation. I had forgotten or did not understand at the time most of what Jesus had said to me the night before, because I was so caught up in His awesome presence.

A Book of Revival from Heaven was revealed to me. I cannot explain this except it is spiritual and not physical. It is as if suddenly things made sense to me, and the Holy Spirit began to reveal a series of Bible verses and prophetic insight to me. Many things I saw and heard seemed contrary to some of the popular end times and rapture theologies.

God is releasing new revelation into the times we are in.

Daniel 7:10 shows there are books or scrolls in Heaven that are opened and the Courts of Heaven review them. These books can be about us personally, as in Psalm 139:16, or about nations and global issues.

Hidden Plans Being Revealed

Just as in Daniel 7, the books are being opened right now and the Lord Himself is now holding court sessions over us. This is to set things up for one of the greatest global revivals in history.

I heard the Lord say that He is hiding His strategies because He is planning surprise promotions for people who have been hidden or set aside for this very time.

These hidden people and books from Heaven are now being opened to us. My Book of Life was opened and my greater calling got revealed on August 12. Then just 3 days later I had an encounter with Jesus Himself—the 2nd one in my life.

You do not have to have an encounter and be taken into Heaven to receive these promotions. In fact, most people getting this new revelation will get it in the way they normally hear God. Some in dreams and visions, others will hear the Holy Spirit speak to their spirit, etc.

Keys to Navigating Through

God is not the one causing bad things to happen in your life and in the world. It is important to stay focused on the Lord and be grateful during these uncertain times. The enemy's plan is to get you angry at God and others. It is this anger, which is not righteous anger, that will cause you to lose your authority in prayer.

There are things happening that might look totally opposite of what God has promised you. This is a time to trust the process as God is working things out. He has your best interest at heart, and has not forgotten you. Praising and worshiping God in the midst of adversity is a key for this month.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3 NIV


Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Email: respond@dougaddison.com
Website: www.DougAddison.com

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author, Life Coach and stand-up comedian. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug's message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His unique style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

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