To accept Jesus as the Lord of your life and be added into God's book of life say the following prayer out loud.

Father in Heaven I love you
I confess that I am a sinner
I believe that Jesus was your Son
And that He died on a cross as payment for my sins against you
And on the third day You raised Him from the dead
Thank you for all You have done for me

Father, You are my very own Father now
I give my life to You, have Your way in me
I profess that Jesus is the Lord of my life
And I will follow You forever
I pray this in Jesus name, Amen!

If you prayed this simple prayer, and truly believed in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead, then be assured your name has been instantly added to the Lamb's Book of Life and you have been saved. Welcome to God's family!

Your new relationship with God also comes with a new broken relationship with sin. Where we all have sinned in the past, we now have the power through Christ to overcome and turn from sin (to repent). As you begin to grow in your new life with Jesus you will find things that you did in the past you will no longer want to do. I urge you to read the Bible and begin to completely understand who God really is and how much He loves you. Where you may have read the Bible in the past with confusion, the pages now will start to open up to understanding.