I remember hearing when Billye Brim shared how her husband was not saved and she would go to the church and he would lock her outside the door of her home and she would have to sleep on the doorstep. In the morning he would let her in but she never said anything mean to him. She was memorizing the love chapter 1 Cor. 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not.
So she would fix his breakfast and she did not have anything but crackers to give him with his soup, and he would say I really want biscuits would you go to the store to get me some? She never yelled at him but she would say the love chapter each time out loud and no matter what he did she confessed it.
Even though he was mean he began to love the Lord as she did. If she had reacted to his bad mood she would have been going against God. I never forgot that.

Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Scripture_love_is_kind_large

Another friend told me that her husband was verbally
abusing her and her Pastor told her that when he does that say out of ear shot to yourself. I forgive him and ask God to bless him.
All the other times that she was angry she would complain out loud and get into more arguments
because as Joyce Meyers said it we curse it and nurse our complaints and rehearse them so then the devil laughs and gives us more troubles.
When my friend told me she did as the Pastor told her to do her husband began to be nice to her and things changed in her house. God always knows the right way to handle our problems.